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September 16, 2021 Stoyan Bumbalov, Managing Director WA State Building Code Council 1500 Jefferson St SE Olympia, WA 98501 Via Email: ...

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Kari Anderson is in the business of providing housing, but lately it has been an uphill battle. Kari is a partner at Thrive Communities, where she...

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On Tuesday, August 24, the U.S. District Court for Eastern Washington ruled in a summary judgment in favor of upholding Governor Jay Inslee’s...

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The Alabama case, which has already been up to the Supreme Court of the US once, is at the Court of Appeals DC Circuit. Surprisingly, the Justice...

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Biden Administration Issues New Eviction Moratorium

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Property taxes in Washington state have climbed steadily for decades, and it is no wonder – property values soar year after year and are only...

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Today in a unanimous ruling the Washington Supreme Court ruled that a landlord has the right to terminate an expiring lease under the CDC’s...

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Recently the Washington Business Properties Association had the opportunity to comment on the Draft Sidewalk and Utilities Easements Director's Rule...

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August 3rd Primary Election Update

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Good afternoon, We hope you are staying healthy and doing well this month. In this month’s WBPA newsletter, we are sharing our latest...

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