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Update on the WBPA Federal Court Filing

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2020 General Election Update Friday, November 6, 2020 Below is an update of the November 3, 2020 General Election. The last date for the...

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WBPA Litigation Update: The latest of what is happening with the WBPA Lawsuit

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For your information, please see the below information from the Washington State Department of Commerce as it deals with Funds for Eviction Rent...

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Washington’s eviction ban has unfairly shifted the burden of supporting renters harmed by the COVID-19 pandemic from the government –...

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California’s AB 3088 Provides Relief to Residential Tenants Who Otherwise May Have Been Facing Eviction

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An Analysis of the August 4th, 2020 Election Results

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Join the WBPA today and fight to not let the State of Washington or Municipalities across the State or any of the 39 Counties in Washington dictate...

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Welcome to our new website! We have a brand new look and updated technology in an effort to better serve all our members. We hope that you'll enjoy...

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